Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Crossfit Middle Tennessee - 02.16.10

So I dinged up my right knee yesterday so instead of working out today I went and took some pictures while Blakley worked out at the Crossfit gym. I can't say enough about Crossfit and how it has changed my life.  I've already blathered on to most of you about it, but if you are looking for a workout experience that will challenge you mentally and physically, check it out. You will become a stronger person in every sense of the word.  Here's a shot of Blakley kicking butt on today's workout which was:

Row 500m
50 Kettle Bell Swings (53lb men/35lb women)
Row 400m
50 ABMAT Situps
Row 300m
50 Tire Sledge (hit tractor tire with sledge hammer)

Canon 40D/EF 24mm f1.4 - 1/250th - f1.4 - ISO 800 - Manual Exposure

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