Sunday, September 19, 2010

Buds - 09.15.10

Details - 09.14.10

One thing we do in our Real Estate Photography to set us apart from other photographer is to spend a lot of time looking through the house for details to shoot.  Then we put them into these collages for the agents.

Canon 7D/EF 35mm f1.4L

Lunch - 09.13.10

Canon 5D/EF 35mm f1.4L

Through the Leaves - 09.12.10

Canon 5D/EF 35mm f1.4L

Decisions - 09.11.10

Some old books in the room where the groom and his groomsmen got ready at the wedding on 9/11.

Canon 5D/EF 35mm f1.4L

Through the Peephole - 09.10.10

Canon 7D/EF 35mm f 1.4L

RAM - 09.09.10

Blakley upgraded the RAM in her laptop from 2GB to 6GB. Here is the 2.

Canon 5D/EF 85mm f1.8 - 500D Closeup Filter

09.08.10 - Precious Memories

The best part of moving is watching Blakley go through the boxes of her thousands of childhood memories.

Canon 5D/EF 35mm f1.4L

Another Reflection - 09.07.10

Canon 5D/EF 35mm f1.4L

The One, The Only - 09.06.10

Stephen Baker

Canon 5D/EF 35mm f1.4L

Distorted Self Perception - 09.05.10

Canon 7D/EF 35mm f1.4L

Slammed - 09.04.10

This was one of my favorite shots I got at the car show in Iuka.  I had the camera pretty low to the ground for this one.  I was blown away by the number of cars at the show since Iuka is such a small town.

Canon 5D/EF 35mm f1.4L

Feeding the Fish - 09.03.10

One of the many things that must be done at Art's property is feeding the fish in the pond in the backyard.  There's catfish the size of dogs, bass and brim. Here's Art throwing a scoop of feed out with Blakley and Kim looking on.

Canon 5D/EF 85mm f1.8

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blanket - 09.02.10

Blakley made this for a friend in Louisiana that just had a baby.  She's so talented! I heart her.

Canon 5D/EF 85mm f1.8

Bible - 09.01.10

Bible at Art's house.

Canon 5D/EF 85mm f1.8/500D closeup filter

Monday, September 6, 2010

B's Birthday - 08.31.10

We went and got cupcakes for B's birthday instead of cake.  By the end, we were sick to our stomachs and vowed not to get them again. Just talking about it now is making my mouth water.

Lines - 08.30.10


B's Shoes - 08.29.10

Canon 5D/EF 50mm f1.8

A Nice House - 08.28.10

A house in the Westhaven subdivision in Franklin we shot.

Canon 5D/EF 50mm f1.8 - 3 exposures enfused

Photoboothin' - 08.27.10

Blakley doin' her thing at a wedding

Canon 5D/EF 35mm f1.4L

Natchez Trace - 08.26.10

They are building a big honkin' bridge across the natchez trace near leipers fork. That is all.


Back Porch - 08.25.10

Back porch room at Arts. He reads the paper on the far right side of the couch each morning.

Canon 5D/EF 35mm f1.4L - 3 exposures enfused

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