Thursday, March 18, 2010

Slow Construction? Never! - 03.18.10

A section of Franklin Rd. was under construction today and it just struck me as funny seeing this worker sitting on a k-rail holding a sign that read "SLOW". I whipped out the cell phone and snagged this pic. Here's a little tip that most iPhone users probably know but I'll mention anyway. The sky was bright in this shot and the phone wanted to keep it in check by making the whole scene darker (lowering the exposure). However, with the iPhone you can touch the part on the screen that you want to expose property (and focus on) and the camera will take care of it. If I just held up the phone and shot, everything but the sky would have been dark and you wouldn't have seen any details in anything else. For this shot I touched on the guy holding the sign, and he is exposed well.

iPhone - 1/122th - f2.8 - ISO 70

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