Monday, February 22, 2010

Serena Ryder - 3rd & Lindsley - Nashville TN - 02.21.10

We went to see Howie Day at 3rd & Lindsley in Nashville tonight.  The opener, Serena Ryder was incredible. Check her out her music and tour info on her site:
Look for a complete blog post with all the pictures from the night on later this week. For now, there's this one:

Canon 7D / EF 85mm f1.8 - 1/125th - f2 - ISO 3200 - Manual Exposure


  1. Awesome! She was on tour with my friends The Alternate Routes recently with Needtobreathe. So, did you get the 7D, or were you borrowing one?

  2. Trish, I think your friends have officially toured with EVERYONE! That is awesome. We did pick up a 7D. I reeeeeeeaaaallllly like it so far.


tell me what you think about it

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